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You're an Accounting Firm

You don't have hundreds of ideal small business clients or partners, yet. 

Accountants have clients of all different shapes and sizes

What you do have!

A set of tools to do your accounting work.

A number of good and bad clients in all different shapes and sizes.

A desire to help your clients, not just count them.

A sound knowledge of debits, credits, and reporting.

A responsibility for your team, your family, and self.

You might have tried?

A tax software or a bookkeeping software.

A new service offering like payroll or investments.

A new marketing, sales, or operations strategy.

A do it this way because it works mentality.

A different type of software, client, or partner.

Accounting firms have too much to choose from, just like small businesses
Accounting firms need help with change management

You may have cried...

When your client brought the shoebox in last minute.

When your longterm customer stopped service.

When your new strategy backfired.

When you couldn't find the right resource.

When you wanted to grow, but you shrunk instead.

Consoling Accounting Firms

What you have does matter! What you don't have may matter even more? Grow with less friction...

Be Less Firm

Two hours to change your mindset!

Most firms are very comfortable telling clients that they are great at what they do, and listing, charging, and completing those to-do's. Where they leave opportunity on the table is further situating why they do it, how they do it, and why their customer should be their customer.

Why would a customer buy from you and do you think they care how long it takes you?

Why do you charge the same exact thing to every customer when no one customer is exactly the same?

Why not book a Console with a person who has asked and answered these questions countless times to himself and to thousands of unique prospective small businesses owners across the world who were actively searching for accounting solutions?

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