Schedule Your Console Time

A few more seconds to lock in your Console meeting time and proceed to next steps.

Don't have time to book a slot right now, or need to double check schedules?
No worries, you'll be sent another  scheduling link as part of the  formal welcome email you'll be receiving shortly!

Step One - What to expect

Step One of the Console Process is the most important, but it's as simple as ABC:

  • After you book a Console, you will be sent a formal welcome email along with a brief homework assignment, ASAP.
  • Before joining the Console call, you will complete the assignment in less than ten minutes from your phone or computer, whenever you get the chance.
  • Console call number one will be a thought provoking discovery call for 45 minutes. How much value you receive out of this first call and the entire process will greatly depend on how thorough and timely you are in completing your brief assignment beforehand. 

What's happens next? Step Two:

After the first call we proceed to Step Two, where you commit to a follow up one hour meeting in the calendar in order to get your Consolation Prize. We get to work on our end in the meantime to customize objective solutions, time saving opportunities, and other options in order to make the whole process worth the two hours of your valuable time!

Still not sure an Accounting Console is worth 2 hours of your time, or is something still unclear?